
New www.chiptune.com preview !

category: general [glöplog]
Finally the site is now public and reachable at www.chiptune.com !

You can download the last update (71 new chiptunes) and I add a new demo effect =)
added on the 2006-05-20 21:52:45 by rez rez
There's a bug with the shoutbox if you have the "search when typing" function turned on in Firefox. After every key press, the search box pops up at the bottom and you have to click into the shoutbox again with the mouse to enter the next letter.
added on the 2006-05-21 12:28:14 by --------- ---------
so there's absolutely no chance to view the site with javascript incapable browsers eh?
added on the 2006-05-21 14:49:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
"javascript incapable browsers", 2006? are you kidding me?
added on the 2006-05-21 15:28:38 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
"handheld devices".
added on the 2006-05-21 20:58:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
without javascript? i still don't believe you!
added on the 2006-05-21 21:05:37 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
It doesn't work on my browser. :/
added on the 2006-05-22 00:06:28 by xernobyl xernobyl
there doesn't seem to be anything on the main page when using opera 8.54... or i just have something disabled...
added on the 2006-05-22 00:29:12 by uncle-x uncle-x
uncle-x: yeah, it's a know bug, i got a problem with the data loader when the client is Opera because javascript think Opera is Internet Explorer (don't ask me why). I will fix that a soon as possible :)
added on the 2006-05-22 02:55:59 by rez rez
REZCUL ca claque :)
added on the 2006-05-22 03:20:05 by iks iks
I'd love to see an accessible ( nicely degraded ) version that would work regardless of images or javascript turned on/off.
added on the 2006-05-22 09:17:22 by p01 p01
hmm... Not really Safari compatible... The mouse arrow is beneath the normal one.

Also, it's slow, and it's NOT because of my internet or system :)
added on the 2006-05-22 13:02:15 by Noctis Noctis
Wow, that background Intel logo is almost as slow as my javascript plasma...
added on the 2006-05-22 13:10:19 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
I applaud for the effort, but I think this is near unusable. It looks cool in a way, but it's slow as hell, the search apparently does not work and the usability has been switched for nostalgia.

Maybe it's just me, but in my opinion most non-standard GUIs stink like rotten dog balls because they do not work how you expect them to. Website UIs do come in all shapes and sizes, but they still should conform to what people expect if you expect people to enjoy using them. I have never used an Amiga and I don't want to go around doubleclicking stuff and figuring how the UI works if I want to find something. This isn't a website I would use.

And isn't "Intel Outside" childish and been done a gazillion times already?
added on the 2006-05-22 13:47:34 by Preacher Preacher
Why not have a link on the workbench for a simple site?
Wich could be directly accessed, like light.chiptune.com or so?

You could basically only use chiple for the light version, if you add some commands like "latest" "author:zalza" and the like. author:"a-z" (would list authors)
added on the 2006-05-22 15:53:55 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Usually Javascript is mad ass slow on both safari and firefox mac. On PPC that is. What system do you have?
added on the 2006-05-22 15:54:42 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
people stop complaining and using lame browsers and begin installing Firefox or any other mozilla-flavored browser, that's it :P
added on the 2006-05-22 16:10:35 by Zest Zest
Ok, here's the report:
FF: Stinking slow
IE: Speed ok but barely functional. (Even though I don't like IE, I think more effort could have been made to make it work.)
Opera: Good speed when in spoofed mozilla mode, worse when in Opera mode, not working in spoofed IE mode. Still a bit buggy.

This is good idea, and I think a lot can be made to improve speed, first and foremost, and then get rid of the bugs.
added on the 2006-05-22 16:57:47 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
I consider the site a nice stunt rather than something actually made for proper use.
added on the 2006-05-22 19:26:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
I consider the site a nice stunt rather than something actually made for proper use.
Think of it as a demo. A demo either works just brilliantly or totally crashes. This is something in between, I don't like the implementation.
added on the 2006-05-22 19:35:21 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
well well well...

so, by popular demand, I will add a "light" version of chiptune.com for people who don't to browse on the actual layout...

btw, you can always use Chiple to browse the site (use this link to download the pack or this one to download the last update).

Chiple works fine, except a "little" problem with the next/previous page function.

I can add an "author: xxx" search string but you can already do that by selection "Author" above the input box (btw "format: value" already works, you can try this).

And isn't "Intel Outside" childish and been done a gazillion times already?

yep, but as I have said before, I add that HIDDEN message to keep the spirit, i don't HATE intel and i have to find something funny for that effect :)
I you find me a nice BIG Commodore logo, I will replace !

This is good idea, and I think a lot can be made to improve speed, first and foremost, and then get rid of the bugs.

ha ? I'm interested, please tell me how because I have NO idea of how I can improve speed since I only use simple <div> and realtime DOM update...

Btw, thanks for all your comments, advices, etc... !
added on the 2006-05-23 10:27:49 by rez rez
And isn't "Intel Outside" childish and been done a gazillion times already?

Why is everyone offended by this? As far as I understand, the author of this page use the inteloutside-thing as a nostalgic effect. I don't think he's trying to be smart or inventive here.

I mean, it's the same thing with the juggler.
added on the 2006-05-23 12:52:38 by Hyde Hyde
I second Mr. Hyde.
added on the 2006-05-23 12:56:32 by StingRay StingRay
ha ? I'm interested, please tell me how because I have NO idea of how I can improve speed since I only use simple <div> and realtime DOM update...
If you could send me the unobfuscated source code to my user name @gmail.com I could at least have a look at it. If you dare.
I could decipher the code, but I don't feel like doing that just to (maybe) being able to help you.
added on the 2006-05-23 13:04:27 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
rez: Here comes some insight after partly unobfuscating your code ( btw why obfuscating it ? with gZip enabled on your server, there's nothing to gain )

ok, you don't use the hex() function often, but yours really look overkill, try this smaller one:
Code:function hex(v) { return ('0'+Math.max(0,Math.min(255,Math.round(v))).toString(16)).slice(-2); }
For the pink invisible unicorn's sake, replace those
Code:evt=((client!="ie")?evt:event); var c=((client!="ie")?evt.which:evt.keyCode);
Code:var evt = evt||event, c = evt.which||evt.keyCode;
and every client!="ie" tests.

In general you should try to make a better use of classNames to avoid generating a hell lot of redondant inline style properties, also try to avoid changing frequently the backgroundImage, prefer loading ONE big baground image and just change the backgroundPosition to reveal the parts you need.

Hope that helps,
added on the 2006-05-23 14:46:41 by p01 p01
