
Random image thread

category: residue [glöplog]
The theory of evolution has serious gaps.

Creationism (as thought by these religious people) has even more serious gaps.

Instead of discounting one completely and ignoring the gaps in the other, both should be treated equally. The theory of Darwin was accepted too eagerly by scientists to have something besides the religious standpoint.

Oh, a picture.

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added on the 2006-08-17 20:27:16 by Joop Joop
Whoops, transparency.
added on the 2006-08-17 20:30:07 by Joop Joop
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added on the 2006-08-17 21:00:01 by Joop Joop
thx for these double crap posts
thx for these double crap posts
added on the 2006-08-17 22:02:22 by doh doh
stfu and post a random image

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added on the 2006-08-17 22:02:54 by jeenio jeenio
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added on the 2006-08-17 22:12:55 by doh doh
probability theory also suggests that any possible order in the universe has a happening probability of zero, if your sample space has infinite elements with equal outcome probabilities. this covers the current situation and all situations that exist in all shifts in all dimensions.

so it's bullshit to interpret carbonic order in organic life in terms of probability, because nothing can take place accidentally in terms of probability. only a set of samples can have a nonzero probability in pure continous probability space as long as this subset also has infinite elements.

physical universe is most likely to be a quantized one but still may have an infinite number of outcomes. although uncertainty principle dictates that you can't know which one it actually is while you're a submatrix of the state space of the universe, it doesn't specify whether the number of outcomes if infinite or one (pure deterministic case). but also another scenario suggests that universe has a finite ever growing (or fluctuating) state space where random events can only occur at discrete planck moments in time axis, and has a sample space with finite elements. that means the universe is probabilistic but all possible outcomes can be determined and you may still be a part of the state space while doing so. you may not know in which outcome you're in, but you may either assume you're at the most probable and/or at the expected one or you may assume that it doesn't matter because all the outcomes may be happening somewhere.

and here's your random image:

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added on the 2006-08-17 22:41:47 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
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added on the 2006-08-17 22:47:57 by p01 p01
"double think before you post."

BB ImageYeah, right, if it wasn't for the fact that dogs usually sit when they shit...
added on the 2006-08-17 23:42:30 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
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added on the 2006-08-17 23:57:02 by hornet hornet
At least evolutionists and creationists all agree that God is made of chocolate. And here is a man who should know better than to mess with the best:

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added on the 2006-08-18 00:23:51 by doomdoom doomdoom
I think someone is about to have his eyelids karate-chopped off. Ouch nasty. I guess now he'll be sleeping with one eye open.. which he'd better, because once you've been owned by Adonis, well, once a bitch, always a bitch.

Who is that guy anyway?

... and now...

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added on the 2006-08-18 00:38:06 by doomdoom doomdoom
Great team up there ;)

Double headed turtles! How cute is that!

Nice looking girl but I bet it's the photo.

Random... let me see...: BB Image
added on the 2006-08-18 00:45:51 by xernobyl xernobyl
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added on the 2006-08-18 01:07:05 by madMixx madMixx
Fairuza Balk has her moments of hotness.. for example in the movie "The Craft" omg she's so hot.. and in the picture above :)
added on the 2006-08-18 01:08:34 by mind mind
I bet the girl is CG.
added on the 2006-08-18 01:58:43 by imbusy imbusy
Don't you guys watch Doctor Who?

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insert WTF red circles, etc...
added on the 2006-08-18 02:43:32 by yesso yesso
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Good god, they look so god damn like the same person.
I would say to them "you want ice cream cone?" Both of them say yes. How in the hell?
added on the 2006-08-18 02:46:17 by yesso yesso
wow yesso. If I were you I run my ass of to the 'fix me beautiful' thread to remove that copyrighted picture.

added on the 2006-08-18 02:50:53 by p01 p01
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Beware, the Wurstpuppe is still watching you.
added on the 2006-08-18 02:54:16 by keops keops
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added on the 2006-08-18 02:54:18 by p01 p01
