
What? No "Happy New Year" thread?

category: general [glöplog]
the dutch generally drink beer until they feel like sleeping. kinda much like any other night :)
added on the 2004-01-04 13:23:02 by skrebbel skrebbel
I spent it with my gran and grandad and their neighbours. We played hungry hungry hippos and operation and eat lots of party snacks and drunk lots of babyshams.

At midnight we had to open the door to let the old year out and welcome the new year in. We all shook hands and sung Auld Langsine (?) and watched a video of Cagney and Lacey.
@wade i think that is the story most places. You description of NYE could have been from Copenhagen...i gues that is why i prefer to stay indoors now that i got older. When i was younger i would be the one drinking and fighting hehe :)
added on the 2004-01-04 18:31:56 by NoahR NoahR
oh new year... i did sleep most of it, celebrating nothing, because i don't like time.
added on the 2004-01-06 01:24:39 by aser aser
because i don't like time.

added on the 2007-01-01 03:04:28 by jeenio jeenio
