
tAAt [web] [csdb] [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
game Windows "LUOMUHEINÄSEIPÄÄNTAPINHEITTO" a.k.a. organic hay pole peg throwing 8th at Assembly 2010 august 2010 4 6 0 0.40
isok 2020-09-06 09:57:41 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows Aamuperunat 20th at Lucky & Tigrou Party 2000 august 2000 6 4 5 0.07
isok 2017-08-18 16:29:25 phoenix
game MS-Dos Ahmatti Antero august 1994 10 0 0 1.00
rulez 2006-09-02 21:30:16 Sverker
wild Animation/Video AI Mix: Progress Rewind - AI-sekoitus: Edistys Kelataan 5th at Function 2023 september 2023 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2023-09-17 10:05:52 Queen_Luna
demo MS-Dos Aivopesula 4th at TMDC 1998 december 1998 4 1 0 0.80
rulez 2015-10-10 09:47:28 sensenstahl
demo MS-Dos Ajan dilataatio 3rd at TMDC 1997 december 1997 11 2 1 0.71
isok 2024-09-06 21:02:44 Frequent
demo MS-Dos Ajan tabletit 1996 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:59:08 tarzan
demo MS-Dos Älyvuoto 9th at Assembly 1998 august 1998 4 0 0 1.00
rulez 2009-10-17 16:33:19 MuffinHop
4k Windows Andromedary 2nd at Assembly 2006 august 2006 43 6 0 0.88
rulez 2009-04-14 21:06:18 vestige
32k bbstro MS-Dos BBS 1997 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2017-03-04 10:46:55 sensenstahl
demo MS-Dos Blyfritt 10th at Juhla 1996 january 1996 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:37:54 tarzan
game Windows Cinnamon Beats 3rd at Assembly 2007 august 2007 14 0 2 0.75
rulez 2009-07-27 15:12:08 polartimecast
game Windows Codename: OEW august 1999 1 1 0 0.50
isok 2006-03-10 14:42:16 sauli
game MS-Dos Cyber Antero march 1997 7 0 1 0.75
rulez 2007-11-27 16:30:53 zefyros
256b Windows Debuggerin turhuus - Vanity of Debugger 2nd at The Alternative Party 2007 november 2007 15 6 1 0.64
rulez 2011-09-16 20:57:52 baah
demo MS-Dos Dentaalispirantti 3rd at TMDC 1996 november 1996 1 1 0 0.50
isok 2008-01-09 19:06:07 stage7
game MS-Dos Dirty Harry 1.1 february 1998 4 0 1 0.60
rulez 2009-07-28 16:26:13 polartimecast
game Windows Dismount Levels Preview 4th at Assembly 2004 august 2004 9 9 8 0.04
sucks 2007-12-04 11:21:46 shock__
intro Windows Donkey Island 5th at Assembly 2019 august 2019 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2019-08-03 17:21:51 slerpy
intro Windows Efektipihtaaja 5th at Escape 2001 may 2001 2 8 1 0.09
rulez 2007-12-03 12:10:40 zefyros
intro Windows Ekoteko 6th at Assembly 2001 august 2001 10 6 1 0.53
isok 2024-09-07 18:19:26 Frequent
demo Windows Emässika - Alkali Pig not shown at Assembly 2003 august 2003 3 6 4 -0.08
isok 2018-09-21 05:16:11 Queen_Luna
demo Windows Epakatseluvaline 10th at Lobotomia 2000 october 2000 0 3 2 -0.40
isok 2007-05-08 01:08:41 Nezbie
wild Windows Esitys1 3rd at Assembly 2017 august 2017 2 1 0 0.67
isok 2021-10-24 20:15:41 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Wild Esitys2 - Itsepalvelupusula 5th at Assembly 2024 august 2024 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2024-09-13 08:59:08 Tuskajussi
demo MS-Dos Essay titles december 1995 0 3 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:41:47 tarzan
4k Windows Excess Geometry - Ylijäämägeometria 6th at Evoke 2011 august 2011 8 12 9 -0.03
isok 2020-12-12 19:55:51 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo MS-Dos Fartart disqualified at TMDC 1996 november 1996 1 1 0 0.50
isok 2008-01-09 19:36:07 stage7
4k Windows Fountain of Mart - Vierupuori (with xzm) not shown at Assembly 2008 august 2008 6 8 0 0.43
isok 2009-01-07 01:08:18 T$
64k Windows FREKTAALI 5th at Assembly 2000 august 2000 1 9 1 0.00
isok 2020-03-04 17:05:09 sensenstahl
demo Java Golden kybersumppi 4th at Assembly 1998 august 1998 2 3 0 0.40
rulez 2006-12-26 10:41:48 TOMPCpl
demo MS-Dos Greippihaalarit 6th at Demolition 1997 september 1997 1 3 0 0.25
isok 2017-05-23 17:32:35 phoenix
demo MS-Dos HäRSKi - THe FiNaL january 1994 0 0 0 0.00
intro Windows hellyydenosoitin - endearment pointer 2nd at Assembly 2018 august 2018 0 0 0 0.00
demo MS-Dos Hikiliikkuja - Perspiratual Motion Machine 3rd at The Alternative Party 2004 january 2004 7 2 0 0.78
rulez 2017-06-10 12:54:31 yzi
demo MS-Dos Hinku vinkuintiasta 14th at Juhla 1996 january 1996 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:40:29 tarzan
demo MS-Dos Hitaat liukuportaat january 1998 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:40:59 tarzan
demo Windows Huojuvat pulisongit 4th at Escape 2001 may 2001 6 2 7 -0.07
rulez 2020-10-08 19:40:39 wabe
demo MS-Dos Idealeak 10th at Assembly 1998 august 1998 1 1 0 0.50
isok 2013-12-30 16:38:28 tarzan
demo Windows Ihme valoaamu 2nd at Performance 2001 february 2001 3 1 2 0.17
sucks 2007-10-09 13:38:04 uns3en_
game Windows Immortal Combat january 2005 16 6 11 0.15
rulez 2009-07-27 14:23:02 waffle
4k Windows irrelephant 3rd at Assembly 2009 august 2009 51 31 17 0.34
rulez 2022-07-29 19:13:31 exocet
dentro MS-Dos Jarno H Force aka Penkki Project october 1995 1 2 0 0.33
isok 2013-12-30 16:57:08 tarzan
game Windows Jink 3rd at Assembly 2013 july 2013 2 8 0 0.20
isok 2014-09-17 15:34:48 tonic
demo MS-Dos Joroisissa osteopaatilla december 1997 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:37:09 tarzan
game Windows K2 6th at Assembly 2012 july 2012 13 3 0 0.81
isok 2013-01-02 23:40:03 T$
demo MS-Dos Kayttokuksa 4th at Assembly 1999 august 1999 2 2 0 0.50
isok 2013-12-30 17:26:15 tarzan
demo MS-Dos Kertotaulutrikkeja march 1995 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:34:23 tarzan
game MS-Dos Kinkku Karoliina september 1995 3 0 0 1.00
isok 2009-07-28 15:00:29 PENETRATOR
demo MS-Dos Kolkolka january 1995 0 0 0 0.00
demo MS-Dos Koneestakin verhot 1997 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 17:10:05 tarzan
demo Linux Windows Wild Kumiakku - Rubber Battery
5th at Assembly 2002 august 2002 10 4 0 0.71
rulez 2018-02-12 09:41:56 nagz
demo Windows Kuolemantähtisumu - Death Star Dust 2nd at The Alternative Party 2008 october 2008 10 2 2 0.57
sucks 2014-06-17 14:01:04 Gadler
demo Playstation 2 Laatukauraa - Quality Oat not shown at Assembly 2002 august 2002 4 4 0 0.50
rulez 2023-08-03 20:21:38 hot multimedia
demo Windows laav
9th at Assembly 2004 august 2004 36 11 13 0.38
rulez 2021-08-13 11:51:37 Mystra
wild Animation/Video LeGorSIKA 1st at Assembly 2001 august 2001 19 1 5 0.56
rulez 2024-02-13 20:11:33 Olympian
wild Wild LeGorSIKA - trailer 3rd at Escape 2001 may 2001 2 3 1 0.17
isok 2018-05-05 10:09:45 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Wild LeGorski 1st at Assembly 2022 august 2022 2 4 0 0.33
isok 2023-01-29 12:27:29 v3nom
wild Animation/Video LeGorso 1st at Assembly 2000 august 2000 17 2 2 0.71
rulez 2017-10-30 20:40:25 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows Lick and Feel 2nd at The Alternative Party 2005 january 2005 11 9 24 -0.30
sucks 2017-05-12 20:20:40 no longer active
demo Windows Likavesikylpylä 4th at Escape 2000 may 2000 0 2 2 -0.50
sucks 2006-05-05 17:35:22 Preacher
demo MS-Dos/gus Massiivinen tirskahdus 6th at Abduction 1997 june 1997 2 1 0 0.67
rulez 2008-12-09 14:17:29 MuffinHop
demo Windows Mölypöly - Noisy Dust 2nd at TMDC 2016 december 2016 4 0 0 1.00
rulez 2022-06-16 12:53:16 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
4k Windows nafta 2nd at Assembly 2002 august 2002 25 14 4 0.49
sucks 2015-10-10 09:45:57 sensenstahl
demo Windows näköhermohylky - optic nervewreck 7th at Assembly Winter 2024 february 2024 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2024-02-24 16:58:42 Queen_Luna
demo Windows Napababa 1 5th at The Alternative Party 2010 october 2010 10 8 6 0.17
isok 2019-05-10 07:29:10 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
4k Windows Nelejän kilon nakki (with xzm) 7th at Assembly 2011 august 2011 8 3 2 0.46
rulez 2020-12-06 18:59:43 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Animation/Video Neon Heartburn - Värinärästys 3rd at Assembly 2019 august 2019 7 2 0 0.78
rulez 2019-08-08 19:38:01 yzi
64k Windows Neuroosiverkko - Neurosis Network 5th at Assembly 2002 august 2002 11 10 1 0.45
rulez 2022-10-18 07:56:41 hot multimedia
demo Windows Opiskelia - Studet 2nd at DOT 2002 november 2002 13 11 8 0.16
rulez 2016-05-03 19:33:01 yzi
intro MS-Dos osakkeita jaossa may 1994 0 0 0 0.00
64k MS-Dos/gus Paine - Ero Korkeus 2nd at Juhla2 1995 july 1995 0 3 1 -0.25
isok 2017-10-25 22:07:44 Asato
4k MS-Dos panaani Assembly 1996 august 1996 0 0 0 0.00
64k Windows parallaksirasva - parallax fat 3rd at Assembly 2004 august 2004 3 11 9 -0.26
isok 2018-09-09 13:07:19 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo MS-Dos Windows partaitiö 4th at The Alternative Party 2002 january 2002 11 4 0 0.73
rulez 2018-04-05 22:32:29 Asato
intro MS-Dos Peräventtiili not shown at Assembly 1997 november 1997 1 2 0 0.33
rulez 2018-02-14 17:54:40 StingRay
demo MS-Dos Pilkomme juustoa 12th at Juhla 1997 march 1997 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 17:13:42 tarzan
demo Windows Pirtuaalitodellisuus 4th at Assembly 2001 august 2001 8 20 37 -0.45
isok 2017-11-08 00:22:04 sim
game Windows Pogo Sticker 3rd at Assembly 2005 july 2005 21 3 0 0.88
rulez 2017-09-24 12:15:46 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
game Linux Windows MacOSX PPC porrasturvat 1st at Assembly 2002 july 2002 233 31 21 0.74
rulez 2021-10-07 09:44:37 SSM230
wild Animation/Video Porrasturvat for Stairstation 360 Live Revolution 2nd at Assembly 2005 july 2005 10 3 7 0.15
rulez 2022-08-15 21:55:11 Emod
game MS-Dos Potkulautaseikkailu strataaripeli may 1997 0 2 0 0.00
isok 2009-07-28 15:50:44 polartimecast
demo Windows Pyromanssi - pyromance 15th at Assembly 2005 july 2005 2 7 12 -0.48
sucks 2018-10-27 10:01:57 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
game Windows Racing Pitch (with Skinflake) 2nd at Assembly 2006 august 2006 15 3 0 0.83
rulez 2022-01-18 21:12:26 Zlew
wild Animation/Video raivoNapina not shown at Assembly 2007 august 2007 0 1 2 -0.67
isok 2008-10-06 01:45:48 T$
wild Animation/Video Ratsia III 3rd at Lobotomia 2000 october 2000 0 0 1 -1.00
sucks 2019-03-10 12:53:29 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
wild Animation/Video Ratsia V 5th at Assembly 2002 august 2002 2 3 6 -0.36
sucks 2015-11-01 10:08:12 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
64k MS-Dos/gus REGRESSIOANALYYSI 14th at Juhla 1996 january 1996 0 2 1 -0.33
sucks 2017-11-02 20:18:34 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
game Windows rekkaturvat 1st at Assembly 2003 august 2003 76 17 10 0.64
rulez 2023-10-18 13:25:56 el mal
4k Windows Rose shank (with xzm) 6th at Assembly 2007 august 2007 33 10 3 0.65
rulez 2015-09-29 00:28:14 noby
game Windows Sauna Dismount 2nd at Assembly 2008 july 2008 8 19 18 -0.22
sucks 2015-01-30 21:34:34 sensenstahl
64k Windows Skid Wrinkles - Jarrurypyt 4th at Assembly 2003 august 2003 27 12 7 0.43
sucks 2015-11-13 20:39:23 StingRay
wild Animation/Video Sormiväritelkkari - Finger Color Television 5th at Assembly 2004 august 2004 25 1 0 0.96
rulez 2017-11-19 22:31:48 yzi
demo MS-Dos Spaceless spot 5th at TMDC 1996 november 1996 2 0 0 1.00
rulez 2008-01-09 19:17:26 stage7
4k invitation Windows Suction Trombone - Imupasuuna n/a at The Alternative Party 2003 december 2002 9 8 4 0.24
sucks 2007-12-19 23:06:54 nitro2k01
demo MS-Dos Syllabization 12th at Assembly 1995 august 1995 1 2 0 0.33
isok 2013-12-30 16:56:06 tarzan
1k Windows Synxiety Attack - Tahdistuskohtaus 9th at Assembly 2012 august 2012 2 4 6 -0.33
sucks 2021-03-10 22:41:15 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
intro Linux Windows tAAt 2001 january 2001 2 1 0 0.67
rulez 2017-06-10 14:47:15 TBit
intro Windows tAAt 2002 january 2002 3 5 3 0.00
sucks 2002-01-17 12:53:50 distance
demo Windows tAAt 2003 january 2003 20 17 7 0.30
rulez 2022-07-18 14:56:52 wabe
intro Windows tAAt 2004 january 2004 4 16 5 -0.04
isok 2018-02-02 21:05:49 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
cracktro Windows tAAt 2005 january 2005 12 9 7 0.18
rulez 2017-12-14 10:13:08 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
intro Windows tAAt 2006 january 2006 16 7 8 0.26
isok 2018-05-07 11:24:10 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows tAAt 2007 january 2007 47 4 2 0.85
isok 2008-01-17 22:27:17 Optimus
intro Windows tAAt 2008 january 2008 48 8 5 0.70
rulez 2014-01-06 18:33:04 Saga Musix
intro Windows tAAt 2009 january 2009 18 9 1 0.61
rulez 2009-03-22 12:41:32 bumble-bee
intro Windows tAAt 2010 january 2010 5 12 3 0.10
isok 2018-02-10 12:33:37 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
intro Windows tAAt 2011 january 2011 14 8 1 0.57
isok 2011-06-11 06:23:35 neksus
intro Windows tAAt 2012 january 2012 11 6 0 0.65
isok 2021-01-12 07:57:27 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
intro Windows tAAt 2013 january 2013 45 9 1 0.80
isok 2022-05-21 09:06:09 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows tAAt 2014 january 2014 30 4 0 0.88
rulez 2015-04-29 20:53:15 Kylearan
intro Windows tAAt 2015 january 2015 31 4 0 0.89
rulez 2016-07-27 09:47:35 1in10
intro Windows tAAt 2016 january 2016 18 3 0 0.86
rulez 2016-09-10 01:27:10 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo Windows tAAt 2017 january 2017 24 3 0 0.89
rulez 2017-03-04 18:52:36 T$
intro Windows tAAt 2018 january 2018 24 4 0 0.86
rulez 2019-03-19 19:45:13 hollowone
demo Windows tAAt 2019 january 2019 18 3 0 0.86
rulez 2019-02-18 14:45:35 ccr
dentro Windows tAAt 2020 january 2020 11 1 0 0.92
rulez 2020-01-09 15:55:31 ɧ4ɾɗվ.
dentro Windows tAAt 2021 january 2021 11 1 0 0.92
rulez 2021-12-30 09:02:29 no longer active
dentro Windows tAAt 2022 january 2022 12 3 0 0.80
rulez 2022-02-02 05:31:28 sensenstahl
dentro Windows tAAt 2023 january 2023 9 0 0 1.00
rulez 2023-01-11 16:32:51 sensenstahl
dentro Windows tAAt 2024 january 2024 13 0 0 1.00
rulez 2024-05-16 03:31:10 Janes OnderGrond
dentro Windows tAAt 2025 january 2025 17 2 0 0.89
rulez 2025-01-26 05:34:41 Phaser
demo Windows tAAt 20v juhlasikermä - 20 yr jubilee potpourri 9th at Assembly 2012 august 2012 5 9 7 -0.10
sucks 2021-03-10 22:42:05 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
intro MS-Dos tAAt Y2K january 2000 1 1 0 0.50
isok 2013-12-30 17:28:36 tarzan
demo Windows Taesmaeraekae 8th at Assembly 2002 august 2002 3 15 15 -0.36
rulez 2015-10-29 15:29:09 noby
demo MS-Dos takaPuoliso 3rd at Escape 2001 may 2001 1 1 0 0.50
rulez 2024-09-29 11:28:56 bitl
8k MS-Dos tArzAn 1994 january 1994 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2017-03-25 09:42:47 sensenstahl
32k MS-Dos tarzan 1995 january 1995 1 0 0 1.00
rulez 2017-05-29 06:55:13 sensenstahl
demopack Windows The Complete TMDC n/a at TMDC 2007 january 2008 46 2 1 0.92
rulez 2008-11-13 08:23:31 pommak
invitation Windows TMDC4 invitation intro aka ekotekoketokeirajeet april 2002 5 4 0 0.56
isok 2024-09-07 18:19:03 Frequent
invitation Windows TMDC5 Invitation november 2002 40 8 1 0.80
rulez 2024-09-07 18:25:14 Frequent
invitation Windows TMDC6 invitation november 2003 14 8 4 0.38
rulez 2009-12-21 20:45:02 ɧ4ɾɗվ.
invitation Windows TMDC7 Invitation october 2004 32 3 2 0.81
rulez 2009-12-21 19:17:41 ɧ4ɾɗվ.
invitation Windows TMDC8 Invitation october 2005 57 11 1 0.81
rulez 2017-02-08 13:15:14 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
invitation Windows TMDCX Invitation november 2007 14 6 2 0.55
isok 2008-01-10 10:29:50 Duckers
64k Windows Tyhjäntoimitusjohtaja 2nd at Performance 2001 february 2001 1 6 1 0.00
isok 2015-04-30 13:13:52 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
game MS-Dos Tyhmä peli january 1998 0 0 2 -1.00
sucks 2009-07-28 15:52:29 polartimecast
64k MS-Dos Tylsae not shown at The Party 1994 december 1994 2 2 0 0.50
isok 2017-03-25 09:23:56 sensenstahl
demo MS-Dos Tytot 12th at The Party 1997 december 1997 0 0 1 -1.00
sucks 2009-11-25 20:09:09 zefyros
game MS-Dos Ultra Deluxe Pallo Zone february 1997 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2009-07-28 15:02:33 polartimecast
demo Windows Vaarin valoshow 4th at Escape 2000 may 2000 2 1 1 0.25
isok 2013-12-30 17:31:29 tarzan
demo Windows Vaihtokädet - Turnover Hands 4th at The Alternative Party 2003 january 2003 8 13 5 0.12
sucks 2019-07-16 20:20:59 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
slideshow Wild Valoköysiviljelijä 1st at The Alternative Party 2002 january 2002 13 2 0 0.87
rulez 2005-09-28 04:42:41 René Madenmann
demo MS-Dos Vasomotorista riniittia 10th at Assembly 1997 august 1997 2 1 0 0.67
rulez 2002-05-29 00:40:15 zeroic
game Windows Vectory Trail - Vehtorin raitti 1st at Assembly 2024 august 2024 3 2 1 0.33
rulez 2024-08-14 08:00:58 v3nom
demo Windows Vesiesanssi 2nd at Performance 2000 march 2000 0 6 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 17:30:25 tarzan
demo Windows wee-wee convoy - saattoliru 34th at Mekka & Symposium 2002 april 2002 4 6 4 0.00
isok 2016-04-23 15:06:41 guardian ٩๏̯͡๏۶
demo MS-Dos Xenopsylla cheopsis april 1995 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2013-12-30 16:46:20 tarzan
game MS-Dos xtol march 1998 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2014-10-25 15:16:42 sensenstahl
demo MS-Dos Yersinia Pestis 11th at Juhla2 1995 july 1995 0 2 1 -0.33
isok 2013-12-30 16:53:27 tarzan
intro Commodore 64 Yhteiskuntaluokkakaavio 5th at Escape 2001 may 2001 0 0 7 -1.00
sucks 2019-02-07 19:33:57 Emod
added on the 2000-09-28 03:49:43 by potos potos

lists containing this group