Grafikal Jihad by Mankind [web]
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popularity : 69% |
alltime top: #887 |
added on the 2003-07-27 16:19:29 by zaac ![]() |
popularity helper
well to me it was a tad boring and too long, BUT, the synchronization and visuals were very well done. so thumbs up.
A lot of work inside, synchro, visuals, nice, nice! Great work zaac!
Extremely good! Great style, great design. Someone can code out there :)
it was long and boring indeed, especially the soundtrack was very *yawn*.
however the first parts reminded me a bit of modernday amigademos... stylish, flatshading. and the metrostation was very very blurry and already done years ago by Nomad and Bomb (also in SW) :)
however the first parts reminded me a bit of modernday amigademos... stylish, flatshading. and the metrostation was very very blurry and already done years ago by Nomad and Bomb (also in SW) :)
really good 3d engine coded by mister exel
really nice gfx and 3d gfx by mister zaac except that i haven't succeeded in linking the jihad theme and the dogs, it left a "demonstrating my skills" taste but it's ok.
maali, the metrostation was blurry to avoid to get the same aliasing rendering done years ago by nomad and bomb maybe nah? or maybe they wanted to take this idea to show their respect to nomad and bomb, who knows?
a bit long, but a nice demo for sure, syncs were good, a bit clichee tho.
anyway... thumb up.
really nice gfx and 3d gfx by mister zaac except that i haven't succeeded in linking the jihad theme and the dogs, it left a "demonstrating my skills" taste but it's ok.
maali, the metrostation was blurry to avoid to get the same aliasing rendering done years ago by nomad and bomb maybe nah? or maybe they wanted to take this idea to show their respect to nomad and bomb, who knows?
a bit long, but a nice demo for sure, syncs were good, a bit clichee tho.
anyway... thumb up.
i like
A bit slow in my computer, but I was still quite impressed.
hi all,
Mindkind will rock you !
i knew that for a long time .
Exel and zaac are like simon and garfulken , ben and gerry's .... they are the magic duo and really like this prod even if the music still need to be improved. Thumbs up folks :)
Mindkind will rock you !
i knew that for a long time .
Exel and zaac are like simon and garfulken , ben and gerry's .... they are the magic duo and really like this prod even if the music still need to be improved. Thumbs up folks :)
I not have this demo to work for pc. :( It stop and write nothng. i am sad when my pc say not to run demo. it make me have anger!
WOW !!! Impressive ! I like it !
Great Job !
Great Job !
"maali, the metrostation was blurry to avoid to get the same aliasing rendering done years ago by nomad and bomb maybe nah? or maybe they wanted to take this idea to show their respect to nomad and bomb, who knows?"
actually they just blurred it, so they hide the ugly anti-aliasing (or lack of it), but then again... who knows?
actually they just blurred it, so they hide the ugly anti-aliasing (or lack of it), but then again... who knows?
stop showing off your lack of comprehension maali ;)
nice demo, but it didn't knock me out of my socks. didn't run on my 2.4ghz machine though (crashed during loading, .3 seconds after modeswitch), so i had to watch it on my duron650 (yuck :).
it sure brings back memories of some amigademos... those loosely connected scenes and superboring music kinda ruin the experience, but it's still quite enjoyable.
surely best demo of 2003 i've seen so far!
Yeah, reminds me of some Lunix demo. However it was boring as a demo, no matter if the software engine seemed smooth enough (but I am wondering how it will be in my home PC). However, a software rendering teaser at the end definintelly made me smile and I'll thumb this up! :)
This was going for their intro, lol!!! =)
yeah! good style, good feel :D
yeah! good style, good feel :D
There are a lot of parts and effects, very cool for software coding,. not my favorite style of demo though, but thanks for supporting software rendering with such cool productions!
Ehm Sexy.
A bit boring, but very classy and very well done. Can't wait to watch it again.
Very interesting looking demo, the metro scene is cool. Software rendering still rocks ;) and speedwise atleast acceptable.
The demo was quite boring, but the graphical design was superb! The visual side of this demo is a definite thumbs up.
a touch of class
Cool design and music. R00lz!
great texture and color calibration work. too bad the screen was too white at the euskal11. software rendering is back for the better ! great cinematic work also.
bark bark (woua woua) !
bark bark (woua woua) !
amazing visuals and music. neat sync.
"you are very good" :)
amazing visuals and music. neat sync.
"you are very good" :)
no offense, but, this demo could've looked slightly better and have been slightly faster on most hardware if it wasn't for the software rendering. so.. i don't know what kind of point some of you guys are trying to make.. to quote ryg: "competing in a marathon while hopping on 1 leg" ;)
...the fact is: look the rendring on the photo
which is up: better glowing than on any hw,
reflection on the ground affect rendering a different way also. definitely 2 different technos.
which is up: better glowing than on any hw,
reflection on the ground affect rendering a different way also. definitely 2 different technos.
Ruled. Not quite as much as the intro, but still ruled hard. Actually, I don't think it would run as fast on hardware without an expensive gfx card, although the models could be maybe improved a bit.
I couldn't see much connection with the dogs either, but the demo title made enough sense. And yes, the subway scene has been done before, so have landscapes, so have cubes. So long as it's done differently I don't mind, and this certainly was.
But why is the cracktro at the end? ;)
I couldn't see much connection with the dogs either, but the demo title made enough sense. And yes, the subway scene has been done before, so have landscapes, so have cubes. So long as it's done differently I don't mind, and this certainly was.
But why is the cracktro at the end? ;)
waouh da French touch in action !
stylish & beautiful :)
stylish & beautiful :)
krabob: bullshit. perhaps "better glowing" (whatever that might be) than anyone did it on hardware before.
Plek: Hardware glow is generally worse than software glow, unless you use shaders, and if they used shaders I wouldn't be able to see it, and the demo would therefore suck.
A 1% improvement in glow quality is not the point anyway, the point is that software rendering rules, and it rules for the same reason 4k or 64k prods rule (why make a 64k prod when you have broadband + 200gig disk?)
Ever wondered why intros didn't die out when floppys became popular?
A 1% improvement in glow quality is not the point anyway, the point is that software rendering rules, and it rules for the same reason 4k or 64k prods rule (why make a 64k prod when you have broadband + 200gig disk?)
Ever wondered why intros didn't die out when floppys became popular?
A bit long, but great style and 3d software effects!
strange but very good
loading is a bit long
loading is a bit long
the whole thing struggled on my setup.. therefore it all looked a mess.. no-way of judging the quality. (800mhz, 256mb, GFII)
impressive graphical work and design, textures are incredible, Code is near perfect, music is cool ...
just a litle bit long btw
just a litle bit long btw
Quite lovely
mankind owned the euskal party
> "competing in a marathon while hopping on 1 leg" ;)
must be true: but what happen is that the 1-legged runner arrived first and 10 2-hardwared legged were behind :) (sorry)
must be true: but what happen is that the 1-legged runner arrived first and 10 2-hardwared legged were behind :) (sorry)
very strange demo...... anyway, great work.
Great concept, awesome realisation ! Music is not that boring, just repetitive, i enjoyed it.
A demo with attitude (there are so few nowadays), respect !
A demo with attitude (there are so few nowadays), respect !
oh, my vote
I want better glowing!
krabob: you really are a little dumb, no? fr-025 eats this one for breakfast ;)
plek: i think krabob was referring the 1st place this baby got @ euskal.
i found this one rather boring, and long. had great ideas, but not enough for a thumb up.
(and as a coder i may be amazed by the amount of work a decent SW rendering engine requires, but as a beer-consumer-demo-watcher-relaxer-asshole i am becoming my only comment is: "sw rendering? who cares?")
i found this one rather boring, and long. had great ideas, but not enough for a thumb up.
(and as a coder i may be amazed by the amount of work a decent SW rendering engine requires, but as a beer-consumer-demo-watcher-relaxer-asshole i am becoming my only comment is: "sw rendering? who cares?")
foolman: well this demo might work the same without considering you're a ATI owner or a NVidia one...
and you can enjoy pseudo-vertex/pixels-shaders effects without buying a 300euros Graphic Board ... :)
btw this has not real importance, most important is that the demo is nice
and you can enjoy pseudo-vertex/pixels-shaders effects without buying a 300euros Graphic Board ... :)
btw this has not real importance, most important is that the demo is nice
"Plek: Hardware glow is generally worse than software glow, unless you use shaders, and if they used shaders I wouldn't be able to see it, and the demo would therefore suck. "
really, you're not being shortsighted at all.
"A 1% improvement in glow quality is not the point anyway, the point is that software rendering rules, and it rules for the same reason 4k or 64k prods rule (why make a 64k prod when you have broadband + 200gig disk?)"
oh well yes it has its charms.
foolman: allthough i, as i already stated, think this is a very good demo, i'm not particulary impressed by the fact that it's software. any realistic coder wouldnt be.
but anyway, i'm not gonna waste any more time on you bunch of amateurs. go get some useful experience outside of the scene and find out what it's about.
really, you're not being shortsighted at all.
"A 1% improvement in glow quality is not the point anyway, the point is that software rendering rules, and it rules for the same reason 4k or 64k prods rule (why make a 64k prod when you have broadband + 200gig disk?)"
oh well yes it has its charms.
foolman: allthough i, as i already stated, think this is a very good demo, i'm not particulary impressed by the fact that it's software. any realistic coder wouldnt be.
but anyway, i'm not gonna waste any more time on you bunch of amateurs. go get some useful experience outside of the scene and find out what it's about.
I dunno, I really like this one. It takes its time where it needs to, but is definitely not too slow. Plenty of interesting scenes, and a nice piece of candy at the end for not pressing ESC. Well done.
dont be so an arrogant ass-hole plek.
with best regards,
btw. i like the demo, but i also think that it could be slightly better with decent hw rendering or sth..
with best regards,
btw. i like the demo, but i also think that it could be slightly better with decent hw rendering or sth..
sorry for my grammar mistakes..
such an arrogant.....
such an arrogant.....
Nice Stuff !!!
Work well on my poor Celeron 700 + Matrox G400
Work well on my poor Celeron 700 + Matrox G400
some problem with Grafikal_Jihad_strech640.exe. at my athlon1800, radeon9000 (latest driver), xp, dx9 it's not correctly works - crash before "coca-cola dog" scene. if i run Grafikal_Jihad_512.exe - all ok and demo finished right.
p.s. commando! oh, my zx spectrum childhood:)
p.s. commando! oh, my zx spectrum childhood:)
this doesnt appeal to me.
the textures could be better and the scenes look much too flat.
the textures could be better and the scenes look much too flat.
ignore what i said. i was mixing things up.
still no thumb for this one, because of the music.
still no thumb for this one, because of the music.
A worthy winner. A bit long and slow for my taste but it's clear there's a lot of work behind the demo, I specially like Zaac's work. The software engine looks very good too.
Congrats Mankind! :)
Congrats Mankind! :)
venomsoup; it is true. most of you here don't know goddamn shit about proper programming practice and draw conclusions like blindfolded monkeys. i'm not referring to you by the way, but it is them who are actually being arrogant. they pretend to own the world with their demoscene-ish oldschool 'blabla', mostly not based on anything at all but perhaps the misinterpreted quotes from a few coders making jokes or just being shortsighted pricks too ;). to them i would like to say, come and develop real-time audiovisual code outside of the scene. they would soon find out that they were being shortsighted. is that so arrogant to say?
to stress my point: i am far from allknowing, but i learnt to evaluate for more than a second before profiling my opinion.
(good demo, a bit slow but who cares - we have 900234234 terrahertz computers theese days)
(good demo, a bit slow but who cares - we have 900234234 terrahertz computers theese days)
ok, plek... seems that i mixed things up...
i don't wanna flame on this prod page...
so i shut up now..
so i shut up now..
wouldnt make sense to flame someone not flaming you, or would it?
I like mankind's productions. They have originality touches, and it rulez!
I liked this. Nice design in the first part, even the music didn't annoy me too much. The pixelated-image-on-black-sticks -part was maybe a bit long.. all in all good stuff.
Very interesting demo.
I feel like I've been watching an amiga demo :) The only glitch IMHO is the music, the rythm of the demo suffers from that.
The subway scene is just wow, great lighting.
I feel like I've been watching an amiga demo :) The only glitch IMHO is the music, the rythm of the demo suffers from that.
The subway scene is just wow, great lighting.
Very good scenes and stuff, especially the subway, but I don't think the rendering engine is good enough, sorry. Too slow, and to jagged-looking sometimes. (I've written better and faster 3d-engines, but I can't compete with this artwork!)
To software-render, or not to software-render. That is the ongoing question. Ultimately it's up to the coder, but I do feel that this production would've benefitted from hardware.
All the same, nice, but needs to be shorten for my pathetic attention span.
All the same, nice, but needs to be shorten for my pathetic attention span.
oh, you guys... just WAIT for my new superduper sw-3dengine! it will make every coder cry for mercy, and make even PLEK go back to sw-rendering!! ;)
Final version is about to be released.
Stay tuned :)
Stay tuned :)
Final version is now available.
great work
i don't see why a final was needed, the party version was already perfect =)
Wow! Are all guys in mankind mutant dogs?
just great! a real deal of code skill proved here.
Very boring, atleast for me, and nothing in this prods really impressed :(
wow :) really impressive look.. The bump stuff at the start rocks.. Also, the slight blur makes it look more real.. Hmm.. I think the scenes like the subway look like the typical prerendered animations (cut scenes or whatever) that are featured in lots of games nowadays.. :) Or something.. Im going to have breakfast.. mmmh.
I have been very impressed by the global way this demo is designed. There are some very nice ideas inside, and the end-part is just pure fun !
Can't wait for next Mankind releases..
Can't wait for next Mankind releases..
one word: --ROCKZ--
my previous comment was lost
i remembered it is good for a tmb up
i remembered it is good for a tmb up
I've only just got round to watching this, and I'm utterly blown away. The textures, design and visuals as a whole are magnificent, the transitions were cool and the demo lasts for ages with plenty of variation. The music wasn't really to my taste, but works perfectly in the context of the demo. And I adored the end credits too.
Overall an excellent demo!
Overall an excellent demo!
*almost* really very cool...
detailed comments later
the 8bit endpart ruled anyway
detailed comments later
the 8bit endpart ruled anyway
f**king greet!
OUI! great FX great sincro, and nice design and colour scheme...too lame that the party projector showed screwed with 200% at home reviewed again, and today, almost a year later, reviewed again and loves this guys! thanks!
ofcourse boring.
obvious blur overuse ( looks like zoom3 ).
overall looks more like an engine showoff than a demo.
anyway respect for coding such engine and here is my vote :)
ofcourse boring.
obvious blur overuse ( looks like zoom3 ).
overall looks more like an engine showoff than a demo.
anyway respect for coding such engine and here is my vote :)
fucking good!
this prod is not boring, it has lot's of cool efects and it's well polished. A lot of work here.
Mankind rules!
this prod is not boring, it has lot's of cool efects and it's well polished. A lot of work here.
Mankind rules!
let's say its ok until it comes to its last quarter :) beginning definitely rules hard !
Stunning and totally underrated!
I'll make this my new coup de Coeur!
I'll make this my new coup de Coeur!
Forgot the thumb to go with my heart.
Its indeed a great prod, inspiring!
Nice, varied, good use of oldskool and newschool stuff, cute walking cartoon dog, nice engine, good use of overlays, nice mix of stuff, most scenes was above average.
most scenes WERE
+ Great software rendering
+ Nice gfx/design
+ Music
+ "Highscore" greatings screen
- Some parts are boring
+ Nice gfx/design
+ Music
+ "Highscore" greatings screen
- Some parts are boring
Good look.
Really a great demo but please stay on Amiga, please!
a really good looking demo, but really boring too
and the music kinda sucks
and the music kinda sucks
all except the music is great for me. not that music is bad though.
nice software rendering
yep, damn nice!
Zaac: we need you back!!
unique but a bit long
The design, the was mere candy for the eye. Agree with some here that it was maybe a tad long, but maybe Im just tierd ;) Great work. Hope to see more from you guys.
PS:How about some graff on the subway next time ;)
PS:How about some graff on the subway next time ;)
Most scenes are waaaaay too long. But still very enjoyable to watch and great overall quality.
sw \o/.
The pleasant scenes-colorschemes compensate the dull (ihmo) zik.
The pleasant scenes-colorschemes compensate the dull (ihmo) zik.
It felt average fare about authority for me. Sorry, but it didn't fit for me - maybe the music was distracting me from the scenes. 6/10
Scenes are only loosely connected, there seems to be a lack of real consistency. But the software rendering is pretty neat and there are some nice effects. The cartoon dog was pretty neat, as were the credits and subway.
vidcap please
oh. it worked anyway. didnt see it was a software demo. nice one indeed, but some parts where boring. kewl music.
Never voted for this? One of my favorite pc software rendering, and side scrolling/layered, demos.
also never voted for this? weird..
was pretty decent
was pretty decent
that was boring, sorry
great work, I like it; felt quite subliminal .
Whoa damn great style
You have to watch this for the credits alone! Awesome.
software rendering? wtf. stunning gfx.
A very incoherent and aimless demo, that completely failed to captivate me.
Good effort on the tech side of things though. I just feel it was a slightly inane exercise to use it on rather mundane things like spinning wireframe objects and blur/glow. :)
Good effort on the tech side of things though. I just feel it was a slightly inane exercise to use it on rather mundane things like spinning wireframe objects and blur/glow. :)
OMFG I remember the first time I saw this. Amazing. SW rendering FTW
Great design, real demo spirit.
graphic design ftw!
what 4mat said
a little bit too incoherent&long for me
but in some scenes the design+gfx are really awesome
a little bit too incoherent&long for me
but in some scenes the design+gfx are really awesome
Too long, but excellent demo.
Design is great.
A good one.
how can i please delete old stupid comments?
i like this one, looks still great.
i like this one, looks still great.
Very fucking cool, some of the best 3d scenes I remember ever seeing.
good looking.
Music didnt suit me, but I have a soft spot for Software Rendering and really like blurring. Some really nice gfx and ideas also.
messy & blurry gfx, so-so music. rather mediocre.
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32 bpp graphic card
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