
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
without starting an emulator: the tape file mentions "STIKMAN" several times.
added on the 2006-12-15 03:04:01 by keops keops
you might want to remove this "group". actually it's just a link to a porn site.
added on the 2006-12-15 09:03:09 by Ger Ger
What the fuck is going on in this scene if even mike 3d is a fake user. Fixed.
added on the 2006-12-15 09:15:37 by hitchhikr hitchhikr

dupe of:

added on the 2006-12-15 10:48:34 by StingRay StingRay
I added http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=28149 without a party. Now I can't change it because the system is diferrent (it has as a default something I didn't notice).
Please insert the party (compo actually ;P) again for this release (http://www.pouet.net/party.php?which=1312&when=06)
added on the 2006-12-15 19:18:59 by Optimus Optimus
optimopoulus: fixed. "no party" was added as a party.
[quote]http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=28147is a double of

Almost but I singlefiled it so it won't load files from disk anymore. So please don't delete it, there might be people who like it that way.
added on the 2006-12-16 12:06:24 by StingRay StingRay
move.l #$DEAD,$BBCODE

http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=28147 is a double of

Almost but I singlefiled it so it won't load files from disk anymore. So please don't delete it, there might be people who like it that way.
added on the 2006-12-16 12:07:32 by StingRay StingRay
heh, $indeed :P
stingray: please add your singlefile download link to 27162
added on the 2006-12-16 17:09:51 by psenough psenough

was released at the

Grendel Party 2 (10-13.08 1990) outside the compo.
added on the 2006-12-16 19:20:07 by r.a.y r.a.y
i made video version for this : http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=11121 (Freefall / Exceed) link : www.freshmindworkz.hu/demoscene/download/exd-freefall-deinterlaced-xvid.avi

please update the release
added on the 2006-12-17 10:10:39 by pasy pasy
i always thought the interlace on that one was part of the design O_o
added on the 2006-12-17 14:02:54 by psenough psenough
added on the 2006-12-17 21:37:34 by reed reed
Please update download link to [url]http://mac.scene.org/?q=system/files/Door.dmg
added on the 2006-12-17 21:41:00 by DaD1916 DaD1916
added on the 2006-12-17 21:42:33 by StingRay StingRay
