

category: general [glöplog]
(why robotic army??? becouse probably when they travel from another sun system - they will be max 1-100 on spaceship and others will be robotic army... becouse no mather how far is technology... space traveling will be not easy for all forms... I mean It is not easy to make food in spaceship /fields/ and make good living conditions for 1000 000 000 astronauts ,they will be 1-100 and they will have 10 or 100 billions of robots)
1-100 in spaceship

sorry for my english... still learning... I am in german much better...
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BUT THEY WILL LOOK LIKE THEM... [maybe 4 arms or 4 legs or 2 heads who knows...]
If aliens would come to earth, i'll be ready with my riffle!!! I'll kill those fucking spaceniggers!!
added on the 2008-06-17 10:24:52 by okkie okkie
okkie, let's join scientology instead! alien lord can take us as slave rather than kill!
added on the 2008-06-17 10:29:16 by decipher decipher
added on the 2008-06-17 10:31:21 by aegis aegis

I finally read this and it helped me a bit to understand that Planet-X theories might be nonsense. Of course, how could it be. It's too... good (fortunatelly for us) to be true. Maybe I just feel too stupid to wander around beliefs and denial. How could a sun rotate every 3600 years and not total vanish (make kapuut) the solar system after 100 rotations? And why can't we see it? But even this is speculation, how do I know if an eleptical rotation can or cannot withstand? How can I know if a planet can or cannot stop or turn around?

added on the 2008-06-17 11:21:58 by Optimus Optimus
Why do these 'conspiracy'-websites always look like Geocities websites from 1996?
added on the 2008-06-17 11:27:54 by okkie okkie
Yes, I've noticed that too. Tons of links, huge letters,. screaming "I am bogus" :(
added on the 2008-06-17 11:29:30 by Optimus Optimus
exit mundi isnt a conspiracy website :)
it's a huge collection of very well written end-of-world theories. really, a worthy read! (or at least it was when i first saw it some years ago)
added on the 2008-06-17 11:29:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
Yes,. I am not talking about exitmundi. This one is great and also the design is good. But thinking of all the other conspiracy websites..

Also, I am reading now some pages claiming they have seen this planet X thing in 2003 and that it will be visible. But the book said it will be visible in 2009. It's like they are moving the dates further. Aghh,. just like with John Titor story. Maybe it's a bit stupid to continue reading about these stuff. But what if I just read them as fiction not taking seriously? It wouldn't hurt then..
added on the 2008-06-17 11:32:22 by Optimus Optimus
Can any scener who is into astronomy or something in a southern place (Australia, South Africa, etc) actually check if there is really something as mentioned here by various observers. And can it be the planet-x or maybe just some other already known astronomical object? Is there a astronomical map on the internet or a astronomical application with all stars catalogued so that I can check on the coordinates if this object is something known and not what they claim?
added on the 2008-06-17 11:46:53 by Optimus Optimus
Dude, MF Doom is already there!!!!!

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added on the 2008-06-17 11:56:10 by okkie okkie
optimus it is really easy to get suckered in by the conspiracy circuit, but dont get frustrated by it. All you come to realise is that they are as full of shit as the "officially accepted" media counterpart, and that as usual you will find "close to the truth" somewhere in the middle between these 2 extremes.

well ...i admit the lines between them are being blurred. We have UFO observations and alien photos on CNN now. i mean you just couldnt make it up.

added on the 2008-06-17 12:22:35 by NoahR NoahR
Planet x is the brainchild of zacharia sitchin, and really blown into the public mindset by Nancy Leider and her zeta aliens. This is altso where Icke more or less verbatum copied the annunaki idea.

All bad UFO based interpretation of old scripture as far as my research has allowed me to go back, goes right back to Zitchin.
added on the 2008-06-17 12:26:30 by NoahR NoahR
Skynet, a global system to control military robots is about to be completed.

I would be worried if we hadn't passed 1997 by now.
added on the 2008-06-17 12:29:12 by cruzer cruzer
they actually called it skynet...well...i mean ... wow...
added on the 2008-06-17 12:34:29 by NoahR NoahR
I was pretty in searching 2012 one year ago... well it is FAKE.
Becouse off all that games ,movies [it is happening ,blindness ,the legend ,cloverfield] toons of books....
It is same marketing as Jurrasic Park... ET...
Plus it is FAKE becouse of that cheap "spiritual" sensations around...

I can belive what Mayans says...
I can belive that lonely - traveling planets exists...
I can belive in "alien forms" far away from earth...
I can belive in suns´s twin sun or earth´s twin planet...
I can belive in that dinosaurs or ancient civilizations has died by big meteor impact...


I know one scener in Australia I will ask Him... about twin suns... but I AM SCEPTIC...
It is like H5N1 thing... maybe it is 10percent truth inside /bird flu was here 1000 years... ask your grandmother about chickens that has died in Her village/... and another is just chemistry biz and movie makers biz...

But Optimus relax little bit...

Take Your girlfriend on dinner on disco...
Have a beautiful evening with her...
Becouse all we have is just time so Try to live...
Not google next NET HOAX...

And when It is true...
So You will have somebody who had love You...

That is way man...

Way to survive... whole Your life.
apparently someone forgot to take their meds again...
added on the 2008-06-17 13:30:22 by uncle-x uncle-x

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HAUBJOBB - We took green pills...

Good demo!
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All HAUBJOBB demo classics has amazing tunes!!!
Why do we wait for something to happen even if this would be bad for humanity? Why does reality bore us so that we seek for something extraordinary happening in the paranormal?

This wicked post from http://www.skepticforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4897&hilit=nibiru
sums the wicked wicked mania..

"well jesus johosafits, i hope something does happen in 2012, i'm getting pretty bored with things, even with all this war and terrorism and steroids controversey, life needs a BIG thing to happen, no world changing inventions or discoveries, none that make you say, WOW, like they transported a few uranium atoms using quantum entanglement but like hurry up, transport a robot or mutate a bat with a komodo lizard or land some damn astronauts on Mars, 2018 to land on the moon, what kind of goal is that, and what are they gonna do, drill to see if there is any liquid nitrogen at the poles, screw that, do some risky {&#%@}, plant a apple tree seed what happens to it without an atmostphere, maybe something shocking will happen, or let a few spiders loose on mars and see as michael chricton suggest, if "life will find a way", life is getting so damn boring anymore i hope something happens in 2012.


..isn't it funny?
added on the 2008-06-17 15:14:14 by Optimus Optimus
