
286/386/486 Demoscene

category: general [glöplog]
There are no Filters/Categories to search for Old-Dos-Demos for a 286/386/486 machine, so please tell me the products I should
have watched. I own:
286 - 10 Mhz SB/VGA
386 - 40 Mhz SB/GUS/VGA
486 - 66 Mhz SB/GUS/VGA

Everything from 1994, 1995 and 1996.
added on the 2012-12-19 20:37:22 by Preacher Preacher
Is it possible to add more categories in order to find something special ?
I don't want to test thousands of products in order to find a good one.

Something like this would be VERY helpful:
And who would be the one to input all that data? Look for parties around mid-nineties, then check out the top entries from compos. There's also a list of viewing tips in the end of this list: http://pouet.net/sceneorg.php

added on the 2012-12-19 20:41:42 by Preacher Preacher
Too much quality stuff for the 486 already, but it's an interesting question as to what were the best 286 era demos, since at that time the PC scene was such an underdog. Some of my old faves in addition to the ones above:

Dragnet: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4068
Vectdemo: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3540
Copper: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=2048
Space Pigs Megademo: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=3972
Putrefaction: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4126
Ball mania: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=4114
added on the 2012-12-19 21:52:33 by Marq Marq
Legend by Impact Studios they tried to prove 286 can do it!

Some of the mentioned 486 things like Second Reality, Crystal Dreams would run well on 386dx/40 with some good ISA card, for example ET 4000 and also a GUS (like my current 386 configuration, runs quite good most of the time). I think I almost watched Verses, Stars or No! by Nooon at good speed at least in some of the parts and maybe mediocre speed in 3d, with a good 386.
added on the 2012-12-19 23:55:22 by Optimus Optimus
Crystal Dream will work on a 286, but 10 MHz will be far too slow, no doubt. You could try with music disabled.
added on the 2012-12-20 19:00:38 by Scali Scali
ftp://ftp.scene.org/mirrors/hornet/demos/ +downthemall
added on the 2012-12-20 19:03:42 by el mal el mal
Quick link for "best" DOS prods.

As a general rule, with a few exceptions:

286/10 - anything 1992 or earlier
386/40 - anything 1994 or earlier
486/66 - anything 1996 or earlier
added on the 2012-12-20 20:18:06 by phoenix phoenix
+ Little Green Man by Kosmic, anything by COMA, Narcotic Nap by Hellcore and some old demos from Norferin.
added on the 2012-12-20 20:40:56 by Forcer Forcer
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
Delusion by Sonic PC.
Digital Matrix by Legend Design. (works best on 386 because of timing/sync issues with music iirc).
Crystal Dream II by Triton.
Second Reality by FC.
Caero by Plant+EMF.
Verses by EMF.
DX Project by Realtech.
Countdown by Realtech.
Xtal by Complex.
Megablast by Orange.
x14 by Orange.
Secret Life of Mr. Black by Orange.
Toasted by Cubic & $een.
303 by Acme.
Paper by Acme & PL.
Square by Pulse.
Sunflower by Pulse.
added on the 2012-12-20 21:00:06 by rudi rudi
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
added on the 2012-12-21 00:46:35 by Optimus Optimus
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
added on the 2012-12-22 15:26:05 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
added on the 2012-12-22 17:47:13 by v3nom v3nom
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
added on the 2012-12-22 18:56:24 by sm sm
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
OP: Check http://www.oldskool.org/demos/explained/demo_reviews.html as I listed what class of machine you need to run the demo. Links don't work but the info is relevant to you.
added on the 2012-12-24 06:30:16 by trixter trixter
very nice! thank YOU!
Crystal Dreams works even with 286/10/VGA/SB!
added on the 2013-01-16 15:58:07 by Manwe Manwe
I happen to have an Intel 80286-based PC running at 10 MHz, equipped with a VGA-compatible graphics card and a Creative Labs Sound Blaster. Would any, say, Triton demos work with it?
added on the 2013-01-16 16:55:09 by Marq Marq
