Immediate railways by Digimind
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #590 |
added on the 2015-09-13 10:13:24 by randomi ![]() |
popularity helper
Awesome man, congratulations!!!
rulez added on the 2015-09-13 10:14:32 by randomi 

digimind delivered. this is so massive! left me speechless on the stream (right after the jaw dropped seeing megapole ^^). looks great and a lovely idea. worthy winner in a very nice compo.
Really nice idea, awesome 256 bytes here!

Wow, very different
awesome railway :)
Haha awesome!
Wow, what a great idea, you think where's the train and here we go...
surprising idea for 256b but it works!
Video please, way too slow on my DOSBox :)
Really cool looking
choo choo :)
Very nice! The chosen rendering approach makes it godawfully slow on DosBox, but totally fun on my FreeDos booted notebook =)
*fine ^^ well, fun is also correct :D
Wow, awesome, the design, the animation, the different parts, insane... :)))))
This is the other awesomeness!
The 256b compo voting was such a flip-a-coin exercise :D
The 256b compo voting was such a flip-a-coin exercise :D
i'll just share one of the comments from someone sitting behind me during the compo: "if a train would appear now, I'll die!", and then the train appeared. :)))
Holy shit, that's quite a train ride.
The train is the best bit!
When the train appeared I was like "No way, this is not happening" :))
two words: FUCKING EPIC!!!
Dividing delivers!
Come on, someone youtube it already.
After seeing Baudsurfer's entry and hearing the announcement that there is something after it, I was just wtfwtfwtf-ing... I bow to thee!
Very well cooked! Before all - very original..
Preacher: live
Nevermind the code packing skills, the author is clearly great in tension build-up!
I especially love "whuat de fak" comments in live recording after [spoilers removed]! Amazing stuff.
I especially love "whuat de fak" comments in live recording after [spoilers removed]! Amazing stuff.
have my thumb
have all of them!
have all of them!
amazing :D
okay this is the coolest 256b ever. Thumbs WAY up for amazing design and progression.
so clean
i wondered, why this was so familiar to me
i figured, that's why ;)
i figured, that's why ;)
Yeah this reminded me of some JS1k entries ... except its 256bytes.
Crazy stuff!
i'm on board!
fucking stylish
fucking stylish
DOS - 256 bytes
Win32 - 122 880 bytes
Code for DOS - save some bytes!
Win32 - 122 880 bytes
Code for DOS - save some bytes!
Entertraining !
Very nice look. Great idea!
I choo choo choose you
Divine intervention! VERY impressive piece of code. The live youtube of this is amazing!
This is sooo amazing! Refreshingly new concept, great style and actual progression in this category - awesome!
wow, one of the best 256b to date too!
The progression is ace.
The progression is ace.
i was hoping the train would be red :D
really awesome, ruled the compo!
really awesome, ruled the compo!
really nice!
Wow. Ace 256b!
jaw dropping!
I'm not completely sold on the isopixel style, but it's a good 256B anyway.
Color scheme reminds me of Windows 95.
Holy shit! The style, direction and the build up.... 256b... just wow!
Nice one! Love the audience reaction vid :)
Now that's a great idea and nice execution, one of the best 256b's I've seen
I'd really love to read some articles about how the heck these 256 byte intros are even possible =)
Great look & direction, rulez !
great work on the design. this is what tinytros need.
It's a 256b... with... direction?
Looks very polished for a 256b.

265B got a new standard.
My godness ! this is really incredible.
I was already impressed by rails, then come the bridge, then finally the train ! WOW!
I was already impressed by rails, then come the bridge, then finally the train ! WOW!
choose life
What Gargaj said.
moving forward
The first time when Pasy showed it to me on the compo machine I've said:
"NOOO FUCKING WAY! I see it's just 256 bytes, but still can't belive it! It's a lie :) "
It's been a pleasure to have such a great entry in the compo!
"NOOO FUCKING WAY! I see it's just 256 bytes, but still can't belive it! It's a lie :) "
It's been a pleasure to have such a great entry in the compo!
256 incredible bytes!
nice one
The (live) video sums this up perfectly.
256b with actual design!
This is how to win a sizecompo :) Great idea and execution... it's simply pwnsome!
I'm speechless.
I am without speech.
I am without speech.
Fuck yeah.
I'm looking at the disassembly and I just DO NOT PARSE. WTF. No floating point even. Hell, there's only one instruction that requires 386 -- with a few more bytes it would run (SLOWLY) on 8088. WTF. WTF.
Hope we see commented source for this someday.
Hope we see commented source for this someday.
nice build up. technically impressive. cheers!
great 256b!
Nice one!
What -SP- said.
Another amazing 256b.
wow, this is insane. great live-video too.
One more thumb up. Wish I could thumb it up another 3000 times because it is that awesome. yeah!!! Mikor neztem, mondom Hermitnek h. ez sin, nem rossz, ne,m rossz, ohhh ez alagut, mondom hogy most mar csak egy vonat kellene es jon egy vonat!!! ekkor kiabaltunk Hermittel. :)
That was such a surprise, great buildup to progressively blow your mind.
then the train appeared and I was all like... whaaaaat?
Now that's a kind of 256b you don't get to see very often.
Wat? No Music?
Wow, great job! :D
Amazing one.
How many goats did you have to kill for this?
Nice 256b Railway MS-DOS demo but kinda boring without sound, just saw it at Magfest Demoparty 2019
Just great!
This is the mother of every 256b intro which is trying to build up itself. Very inspirational.
how even
simply the
rails-tunnel-train morphosis
Wow! Superb
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